Please read through the entire Joining pages to understand how the site works, rules we play by, and most importantly what choices you are making during Character Creation. Please note that the Mods will review the submission and add your character to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Dossier within 48 hours.
- Decide what Character you want to role play as. Should be primarily from a comic book or video game.
- Allocate your starting 25 stats between Health, Strength, Defense, Speed and Skill.
- Decide on your Special Ability - please note that this will be reviewed by Mods and subject to nerfs. As a general rule base damage is 3. If you want to get creative or add status effects that may change. For Example: Commander Shepard throws out a stun grenade stopping foes from attacking for 1 turns. Since this involves a status effect the time frame is lowered and it does no damage. We encourage you to get creative.
- Attach a quick picture that you would like used for the S.H.I.E.L.D. Dossier.
- Sign up for both the OOC and Role Playing Boards - make sure your Username is your character on both boards to avoid confusion.
We look forward to creating stories with you!
Please Note: This site is still in early phases. As we get more people to join, we may make some sweeping reforms to prices, stats, etc. All will always be done in fairness but we want to system to be fair for all who participate.